About the Campaign
See details of the class action at www.covidvaxclassaction.com.au and this video provides a summary of the action You Tube Video Class Action Summary
See our media page for media coverage of stories of the class action and the injured http://www.nomoresilenceau.com/media/
This Campaign page continues the contributions from the previous Mighty Cause platform-Mighty Cause Fundraiser Link
To contribute directly via Paypal Link – Donate Via Paypal
Thank you so much to all the generous contributors, from the previous Mighty Cause platform, and on this new platform. This action could never have progressed without the wonderful support x
All funds raised will be used only for the direct costs for court fees, legal fees, barrister fees, expert opinion evidence and associated travel costs, including travel costs for the litigants to attend the hearings.
No person will gain any ‘cut’ or percentage in the event the action succeeds, not Dr McCann as ‘litigation funder’, and not the legal team. If the action succeeds compensation awarded will be shared by the injured and the bereaved only.
Please visit the class action website for all details and link to join the action-www.covidvaxclassaction.com.au
If you have any questions about this action please email admin@nomoresilenceau.com
Please share and consider supporting.
Contribution description will appear on bank statements as ‘No More Silence’
For prospective contributors of larger sums, please consider contacting us via email in the first instance, larger contributions can now also be made to either the ASIC registered not for profit association or directly to the instructing solicitor trust account. Thank you to all contributors, you have all helped to make this happen and every donation no matter the amount gets us closer to succeeding x
If successful and costs recovered, all contributions will be returned. This action is for the injured and the injured only.
‘In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.’- George Orwell